Interview mit Nalini Singh
Am 19.Oktober war New York Bestseller Autorin Nalini Singh für eine Lesung in der Buchhaltung Frick anzutreffen. Sie hat aus einem ihrer Psy/Changeling Bücher vorgelesenen.
Eine Woche bevor sie in Wien ankommen sollte, hat sie mich netterweise darüber informiert das sie hier sein würde und mir angeboten ein Privat Interview zu geben. Natürlich konnte ich da nicht nein sagen, so eine Chance bekommt man nicht alle Tage ^.^
Wir trafen uns am 19. Oktober um 17 Uhr in ihrem Hotel, gemeinsam mit Christina (einer sehr netten Dame von LYX). Danach gingen wir in ein Cafe und dort durfte ich ihr meine (und auch eure) Fragen stellen,
bei einer leckeren Tasse Kakao und einem mehr als köstlichen Apfelstrudel.
What was your first story? What was it about?
"Well to be honest I can´t remeber, but when I was 18 I have written a SciFi Lovestory. About a Prince with Laser Eyes. Actually I still have the story"
Who or what inspired you in your choice becoming a writer?
"I just started to write. I just love it to write stories"
Have your parents support you from the beginning of your writer career?
"Sure they did, but no one thought it would be possible"
Do you work with sketches and post-it collection or rather with a neat system on your PC?
"Well actually the first one. But I also have a white board with my colour system. Every character has his own colour. And a lot of folders"
How have your create the protagonists of your book? Are your protagonists fantasy characters or are they resemble to real people in your community?
"The protagonists are fictional persons. Maybe they have the name of a real person but thats just the name not the character"
I fyou look into your own bookshelf - what genre ir represented the most?
"Romance, Fantasy, SciFi and Mystery"
With which fictional character would you like to spend one day?
"Oh, I cant decide that. One for each day of the week!"
What made you get the idea (in the Guild Hunter Series) that vanpires where made from Angels?
"To be honest, I have no Idea. I just started to write and after that I thought this is a freaky Idea. But I also thought that ENGELSKUSS would be one book - not a series"
Vampires are different in all kind of book, why have you create your vampires as they are?
"The Idea of Imortality. In the past Vampires where humans, but now they have lost all people they have loved. They have seen so many cruel things. Thats why I create them as they are"
The tower of Raphael is in Seattle, has the city a special significance for you?
"The idea came with the story"
Will there be a story about Illium too?
"Yes I would like to write a story about him. But it I dont want to write the story only the write it, do you know what I mean? I must feel right. It has to be his story. I already have a little Idea, but you have to wait!"
What will happen to Elena and Raphael next? Can you already tell us something, or are you not even sure?
"Books 6 will be about Raphael and Elena. But I dont know what will happen"
Do you plan to write a story about Kit?
"Yes but not now. He is to young to get his own story. ,maybe when he is a bit older. He has to find out who he will be in the future. But he will be in the other books. You me be curios"
If you could even change your shape, which would it be?
"A Falkon. I always wanted to fly someday"
Do you have a favourite person in your books?
"No it would be unfair towards the others"
Would you like to write in the future other series? What would you like the most to start a new series?
"I have a number of Ideas but first I want to finish one of my current Series"
How much can you influence your book cover? Is this required by the publisher?
"The American publisher ask me, because those covers are made from a painter. The German publisher show her some pattern and I can choose"
How satisfied are you with Egmont LYX?
"I am totally satisfied!"
How do you manage to keep so incredibly nice and down to earth?
"Actually I am a Diva, ask Christina. No just kidding. I am surrounded from nice people, from my family and my friends. If they notice that I behave differently than usual, they get me back down on earth"
What is your favourite book?
"Well Love so many"
And if there will be a fire in your house, which book would you rescue?
"I think I would rescue my laptop"
What do you do when you want to relax?
"Watching TV, reading a book and drink tea"
If you could have one wish, what would you wish for?
"To be on a Spaceship and looking for Aliens"
When you are sad, what is your recipe to laugh again?
"It is ok to be sad for a while, but not too long! But if I am sad I go in the garden and work there for a while. Or I spent time with my family and my friends"
How is it to work with your sister?
"My sister is my best friend! She does her job well as my assistent. We are both quite flexible so we have the chance to work at my place or at her place. I would be strange to have a stranger in my room. I am happy to have her around me"
Mir hat das Interview sehr viel Spaß gemacht.
Nochmals vielen lieben Dank an Nalini und Christina, das war ein einmaliges Erlebnis!
Ich hoffe die Schokolade hat geschmeckt *gg*
Nalinis Werke im Überblick
Jäger der Nacht
Eisige Umarmung
Im Feuer der Nacht
Gefangender der Sinne
Sengende Nähe
Ruf der Vergangenheit
Fesseln der Erinnerung
Wilde Glut
Lockruf des Verlangens
Einsame Spur
Geheimnisvolle Berührung
Pfade im Nebel
Hauch der Versuchung
Im Netz der Sinnlichkeit
Pakt der Sehnsucht
Sehnsucht des Augenblicks
Versprechen der Dunkelheit
Kommentare zum Post (Atom)
AntwortenLöschencool, dass du beim Kommentiertag dabei bist, so habe ich nun auch deinen Blog kennen gelernt. Echt schön hier :)
Das ist ja cool, dass du ein Interview mit ihr geführt hast. Ich habe bisher leider erst Engelkuss von ihr gelesen, fand das aber klasse :)
Das klingt, als hättest du eine tolle Zeit gehabt, das war bestimmt toll :-) Ich selbst habe tatsächlich noch kein einziges Buch von ihr gelesen, habe aber auf verschiedenen Blogs schon mitgekriegt, dass Nalini wohl wirklich sehr nett ist.