Eine meiner absoluten Lieblings Autorinnen: Nalini Singh.
Sie ist die Erschafferin der "Guilt Hunter" und "Psy/Changeling" Series, mit der Sie sich in unsere Herzen gestohlen hat. Ihre Bücher erscheinen bei LYX und derzeit sind 15 Bücher auf Deutsch erschienen - 3 weitere erscheinen in den kommenden Monaten.
Nalini Singh
New Zealand
What/ Who got you motivated to write?
I’ve written from a very young age. It was my love of reading that led me to want to pen my own stories.
How did you get the idea to write you books?
Inspiration is everywhere—something I see, hear, smell...the list goes on. It’s just a case of being open to it.
How long have you worked on your books until they finally release?
I usually say a book takes four months to complete, but because I write series, I’ll often have been making notes for a book years in advance. So by the time I sit down to write it, I already have a basic sketch of the story. In the end, it takes as long as it takes.
Are there other books planned (new series)?
No, I’m focusing on the Guild Hunter and Psy/Changeling series at present.
When did you start writing?
Answered above!
How do you design your writing and what is important?
Editing is something every writer learns – one of the things I always try to remember is that each scene must have a purpose, must contribute to the storyline in some way.
How much time do you spend for your books?
Answered in question 3.
Has the book self-developed or do you know exactly what you want the reader to know?
I generally have a basic idea of the story, and then I sit down and write the first draft – I describe it as writing my way into the story.
When are you most creative?
I tend to do a lot of work in the afternoon and at night.
Do you live by writing or do you have another job?
I’m a full-time writer.
How important is writing to you?
It is my passion.
Why have you chosen the genre fantasy?
There’s a lot of freedom in fantasy/paranormal – as long as I stay true to the rules of my world, I can go wherever my imagination takes me.
Why should readers read your book?
The worlds are fascinating, the characters people you’d want as friends, and the overall plot explosive.
What are your favourite books / Who is your favourite author?
I have so many favorite authors and books that I can’t choose just one. Here are just some of them: JD Robb, Anne McCaffrey, Ilona Andrews, Meljean Brook, Julie James, Mercedes Lackey, Kathy Reichs, Anne Gracie, Jayne Castle, and so many more!
Were there any books from which you were disappointed?
Because I have limited reading time, I tend to read books that I enjoy from the very start.
If you could spend a day with a book hero who would it be?
From another author’s books: One of Anne McCaffrey’s dragon riders of Pern – then I could meet his dragon, too! From my books: Illium from the Guild Hunter series would be a fun companion – and he might take me flying.
Do you have any tips for author newcomers?
Write as much as you can. The best way to learn to write is to practise—it’s is how you develop your own unique voice as a writer.Think of it as an apprenticeship.
Nalinis Werke auf einen Blick:
Gilde der Jäger - Engelskuss
Gilde der Jäger Engelszorn
Gilde der Jäger - Engelsblut
Gilde der Jäger - Engelskrieger
Jäger der Nacht
Eisige Umarmung
Im Feuer der Nacht
Gefangener der Sinne
Sengende Nähe
Ruf der Vergangenheit
Fesseln der Erinnerung
Wilde Glut
Lockruf der Verlangens
Einsame Spur
Höllische Versuchung
Magische Verführung
Dunkle Verlockung
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